Woman leader Doan Thu Hien: “Believe in yourself and never give up”

Woman leader Doan Thu Hien: “Believe in yourself and never give up”

Woman leader Doan Thu Hien: “Believe in yourself and never give up”

Woman leader Doan Thu Hien - CEO of Truc Linh Nutrition Food Co., Ltd has joined the common house WLIN Power as Vice President of the Membership Committee.

Through her efforts, Ms. Thu Hien, a girl who worked part-time to cover her university expenses has successfully built her own company, Truc Linh - which specializes in selling dietary supplements and nutritious milk for children and ill people.  

The journey of overcoming difficulties to start up

Despite coming from a low-income family, entrepreneur Thu Hien has had the desire to change her life since she was a child. Ms. Thu Hien has always been interested in beauty, she used to curl the hair of the kids in the neighborhood, then later realized that she had been passionate about this profession.

“My family was poor, so I couldn't afford to attend vocational school. Therefore, I applied for a job at a well-known salon in Nam Dinh. I've been at this place for two years. Later, I returned home and asked my mother to buy a sewing machine for me so that I could open a sewing shop. I was quite skilful, so I was able to save some money and travel to Hanoi to study accounting. I always tell myself to never give up and to always believe in myself”, the entrepreneur shared.

Woman leader Doan Thu Hien achieved the “3 stars Manager” award

People often judge successful people by their luxury items and expensive vacations, but only a few can see the hardship they have gone through to achieve a certain level of success. Being an entrepreneur and a leader is difficult; being a woman leader is even more difficult. Thu Hien founded Truc Linh Nutrition Food Co., Ltd. based on her own difficulties, and it seems that her efforts have been paid off by the prestigious "3 Star Manager" award. Truc Linh currently holds a certain position in the market, however, when asked about her start-up journey, the entrepreneur recalled those years vividly. “I am currently pleased with Truc Linh's development progress, but I had to go through a lot of ups and downs to get here. After moving to Hanoi to study accounting, I had to study while working to make ends meet. Life at that time was difficult, but it also provided me with unforgettable experiences and lessons.” The entrepreneur’s efforts have been paid off with the honorable award “3 stars Manager”.

Joining WLIN in the hope to connect and improve

"Giving out and you will receive more than what you gave" - entrepreneur Doan Thu Hien shared her life motto. Ms. Thu Hien not only sells healthcare products for children and the sick, but she also volunteers at major hospitals in Hanoi. Volunteering appears to be an opportunity for her to get to know WLIN.

"Joining WLIN, I hope to connect with successful entrepreneurs, who have the heart and soul to bring knowledge to the community.", Woman leader Doan Thu Hien

“I know WLIN through the charity program that Ms. Nguyen Thu Trang - Chairwoman of TAF Group organized to celebrate her birthday. Coming to WLIN, I want to connect with successful, conscientious, and visionary entrepreneurs to bring intellectual value and help the community” - Ms. Thu Hien shared. Furthermore, WLIN has given her a reliable place to learn and develop together.

We hope that entrepreneur Doan Thu Hien will always spread many meaningful values and create a team of professionals based on three criteria of Ethics - Intelligence - Willpower in order for Truc Linh's healthcare products to be trusted by more customers. We wish Thu Hien's journey of sharing and connecting with WLIN Power continues to be strong and better